Ocular Signs Of Sturge Weber Syndrome

Описание к видео Ocular Signs Of Sturge Weber Syndrome

Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS), also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, is a congenital neuro-oculocutaneous syndrome that presents at birth.
Ocular manifestations of SWS include conjunctival, episcleral, and choroidal hemangiomas. Glaucoma presents in 30-70% of patients with SWS.Of the systemic hamartosis, SWS has the highest incidence of glaucoma. Approximately 60% of patients present with glaucoma at birth and 40% manifest glaucoma later in life.The incidence of glaucoma increases when the PWS involves the eyelid.It presents most often ipsilateral to the PWS but can also manifest bilaterally.

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